A positive second labour: Finn’s birth story

I feel really lucky that both of my pregnancies have been very straight-forward. I was over-due with both of my babies but have had two quite different experiences of an induction.  

At the time of my due date, both myself and my husband developed some symptoms of Covid-19 and so we had been self-isolating and getting better. It was quite lucky that Finn was late so that we had time to recover but at the time I felt quite uncomfortable and fed-up!

The day that Finn was born, I was booked in to have an induction (which we called his ‘eviction notice’). After being given the pessary and monitored for a short time, we were advised to go for a walk and get some food. My mum, who was looking after my daughter, suggested that we come home for a bit as we live so close to the hospital, but my contractions started and something in me felt that I needed to get back to the ward. In the end, we didn’t even make it to the labour ward as the team were concerned that I may give birth in the lift! Finn was born in one of the bays on the antenatal ward, surrounded by other expectant mums who all said congratulations through the curtains!

After about an hour of contractions, things started to feel quite intense, and then I had such a strong urge to push! Even though the contractions were painful, once I was able to follow these urges it gave me something really productive to do with that pain, and it really felt like my body took over. It was amazing, and such a different experience to my first labour when I had an epidural. Finn was put straight on to me, which was lovely and helped me process the shock of everything happening so quickly! I had a verbal birth plan with my husband but we got a little swept up with things and so we forgot to say that we wanted to wait a little while before cutting the cord. My first birth didn’t go according to my initial birth plan, so we had decided to be quite vague about it the second time round, so we were able to focus on the important aspects and feel less negatively about the things that didn’t go to plan.

My placenta was taking a little while to deliver and so the midwives suggested that I try breastfeeding; he latched on immediately and has been a brilliant feeder ever since! 

Even though we are second time parents, coming on the Happy Parents. Happy Baby antenatal course really did help us to prepare for Finn’s arrival. There were lots of things that we had forgotten, so it was great to have a refresher, and it helped us to feel more prepared for how different each birth and baby is.  The hypnobirthing element was great. Even though I don't think that I used it to it's full potential during labour, I definitely think it helped me relax before, and see my birth as a positive experience! Having the WhatsApp group with our course mates has been such a great support, even though we haven’t been able to meet up yet – just knowing there are other people going through a similar experience has been so comforting. 

We had attended the antenatal classes at the hospital the first time round, which did prepare us however we really enjoyed the social side of the Happy Parents. Happy Baby course; we loved that the sessions were set in a pub - there is something so bonding about sharing a meal together and having a chat and a drink. Despite not knowing each other before, we can now have some of the most candid conversations (and we set up a separate mums’ group for the more personal topics!).

Having a toddler and a newborn in lockdown has been interesting, but overall, we have embraced the fact that we’ve been able to be at home. Andy has been furloughed and so we’ve really been able to recover and settle into life as a family of four. 

Top Tips:

  • Trust your body and your instincts.

  • Google often gives conflicting answers, and you know your baby best.

You can read lots more Positive Birth Stories here. We have positive birth stories from all types of births, including homebirths, water births, induction of labour, instrumental deliveries and Caesarean section births. 

Download our free birth plan template and other resources for your pregnancy here.

Find out more about our antenatal and hypnobirthing classes in London, Essex and online and book your place here.

Access free hypnobirthing relaxations and videos to support you through your pregnancy on our Instagram TV page here.

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