Week 15: What is hypnobirthing?
Image: @body_by_zarina
Welcome to week 15 of the Happy Parents Happy Baby guide to pregnancy, birth and beyond.
This week we'll be covering:
We hope you enjoy it!
What is hypnobirthing and why do I need it?
You may have heard of hypnobirthing and perhaps you are wondering what it is or how it could be helpful to you.
Well, put simply, hypnobirthing gives you tools to have a positive birth experience, however you choose to give birth.
That's why we weave hypnobirthing throughout all Happy Parents Happy Baby antenatal courses.
Here are some important things to know:
Hypnobirthing is a practical and evidence-based preparation for birth, that will help you feel confident and excited about bringing your baby into the world.
Despite the name, there is nothing 'hippy' about hypnobirthing. You won't be hypnotised either.
What you will gain, is a better understanding about your body and all your birthing options, plus the knowledge, support and practical tools to have a positive experience, whatever type of birth you have.
Hypnobirthing works. That's why it's now practised widely in homes, hospitals and birth centres across the country. It's something your birthing team can support you with too.
Hypnobirthing is a preparation process - think of an athlete preparing for a race.
Not only will they prepare physically, but they will also have mental strategies, because they know if their mind isn't in the right place, they won't have the best experience on the day.
Our courses will give you mental and physical strategies for birth, helping your mind and body work together to make your experience as calm, comfortable and efficient as possible.
We'll help you gain a greater understanding of the physiology of birth and the opportunity to address any anxieties you may be having.
We'll also teach you a whole host of practical tools including breathing techniques, relaxations, birth positions and more.
Your baby’s development in week 15
Size of a pear
Weighs around 70g
Around 10.1cm long
Now is the time to start talking to your baby because from this week your baby can hear muted sounds from the outside world and inside your body, such as the gurgling from your digestive system.
Your baby’s eyes are also becoming sensitive to light and may be able to register changes in light outside your tummy.
Cool, huh?
Week 15 Checklist
You might like to:
Useful shopping list - you can download our shopping list for baby here.
HPHB Amazon store - You can find our Amazon store of recommended items here.
Sustainable choices: don’t feel pressure to buy everything new - ask friends if they have things you can borrow and remember to check out pre-loved selling groups too.
Spotlight on: Tiredness
Each week we'll be delving into the common symptoms of early pregnancy and bringing you top tips for managing them from our team of specialists and parent community.
The first trimester is behind me so why do I still feel so tired?
For most, the second trimester brings a new lease of energy. But if you are still struggling with tiredness, you're not alone.
Here are our tips to cope with second trimester fatigue:
Make sure you’re getting enough rest: Many find that as their energy increases in the second trimester they start to do more and resting is no longer a priority. Don’t feel the pressure to pack in too many activities right now if you don’t have to. If you find you are struggling to sleep well you can read our top tips for better sleep here.
Check you are getting enough nourishment: Keeping well hydrated and eating regularly will help to optimise your energy levels. Try to avoid too much caffeine and sugar. They may give you a temporary boost but your energy levels will usually crash soon after.
Move more: this might sound counter-intuitive but if you have been avoiding exercise because you’re too tired, you could be missing out on its energising benefits. You can find tips on keeping active in pregnancy here.
Get a medical check: sometimes there is a medical reason for feeling tired in pregnancy, so do consult your midwife or GP if you are struggling. Iron-deficiency anaemia is common in pregnancy so do get checked out if you are concerned.
Birth story of the week
This week we catch up with Kate from our Forest Hill antenatal course who tells us all about baby Cora’s water birth.
“I cannot recommend hypnobirthing enough, it's not as hippy trippy as it sounds. The HPHB Hypnobirthing Masterclass was the perfect prep for our birth experience.
“My waters went at 4:30am. I got up for a wee and it was like someone tipped a pint out of me. I was so surprised I burst out laughing... I tried to go back to sleep but water kept coming, so I crept down stairs for breakfast knowing I probably wouldn't want to eat when the surges kicked in. I called my midwife, let her know my waters had gone and sat eating breakfast watching Netflix until 7:30am when my fiancé woke up. Surges were regular but very mild. We were so excited that baby was coming! At 8:30 we went for a walk. Very slowly and stopping when I needed to breathe through the next wave.
“I had a natural birth with just a bit of gas and air as the head was coming out. It was an intense experience but not painful like if you cut yourself or get injured. For me it felt like a huge build up of pressure. My partner was amazing and I clung to him throughout…”
Treat of the week
This week we are thinking about relaxation. This NEOM Wellbeing Pod Mini releases essential oils into the air at the touch of a button. It can be used with any NEOM Essential Oil blend to meet your wellbeing need, whether that be Better Sleep, Less Stress, Mood Boost or More Energy.
Sit back, relax and enjoy.
Products are based on suggestions from our specialists and community of parents. We may earn commission from shopping links.
Join our community
Happy Parents Happy Baby is here to support you through every step of your pregnancy, birth and parenting journey.
Connect with other parents-to-be and learn everything you need to know, by joining our award-winning antenatal classes.
That's all for now...
Thank you so much for joining us!
Have a great week.
Team HPHB x
Information you
can trust
Our articles are based on the latest-evidence based guidelines and scientific research and are written by our team of medical experts.
Coming up
next week
Feeling your baby move
Spotlight on: round ligament pain
Check out our Instagram page for extra resources from our team of experts and for free live events, such as pregnancy relaxation sessions
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